lost and found
Lost and Found is a part of the 'City Mosaics' series intended to celebrate the city by examining, savouring and reflecting. The pockets of our city that we zoom past everyday, events that define our cultural legacy and our relationship with both the built and natural environment that surrounds us, are some of what City Mosaic hopes to explore. Each book is a mosaic that will come together to build the collective story of this city we live in.
Are there villages inside cities? Are there villages where you live? In one village, inside a well-known city is little Meena who has found something.
Lost and Found is a woven, multilayered story of an unnoticed cityscape and about a species that has been dwindling. It will leave you with a new lens to look at urban spaces.

Meena tucks her find in the palm of her hand and runs through her village, before prying eyes see her.
Will she be able to do what she has headed out to do?

Kripa is an illustrator based in Mumbai. After completing Fine Arts from Sir JJ School of Art, she took up teaching Art and Design, Collecting picture books and Illustrating for picture books has been her passion, Kripa loves walking, travelling in local trains and buses, observing and documenting the city. She dreams of living in a tree house someday.
Vinitha Is a flaneur, book devourer, forever-thirsty-story-wanderer and a wannabe poet. She knows for sure that she could write better if she had at her disposal Scottish castles or cliff-perched mansions. For now she makes do with writing, perched on top of toilet seats while her pre-teen kids try to murder each other outside. Vinitha is also an editor, columnist and content consultant.

City Mosaics: This series is a product of a collaborative process between the People Place Project studio, artist Kripa and author Vinitha. City Mosaics intends to be an essential read for children, our future citizens, to begin appreciating their city, its places and people, and its diversities, all in attempt to have a more empathic world ahead.