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Discovering Ahmedabad

Writer's picture: PlacemakingPlacemaking

The panel discussion was extremely useful for the team. There were a bunch of things we gathered from all the conversations. But here are a few ideas we have decided to explore:

1. The relationship of the old and the new- it is not only in terms of geography, but in a sense of people- their traditions, cultural beliefs and so on. In this case , would like to see the Sabarmati as a metaphor, as the river as it runs through, creating stark divisions and we also have created strategic bridges to constantly connect to the old. Many a times, as citizens of the new world we wander around in the old city, trying to read through the filigrees of the craft work, peeping through the arched doorways and pausing at a dehlej to imagine the time bygone. Many witnesses still remain, many have have moved on to newer premises, many have adopted newer practices...and many have been welcomed here.

2. The markers of the city- They are not just heritage or modernists landmarks, but also some amazing people. People who have made it their home and extended themselves with (mostly) their entrepreneur spirit. So we take a right from Induben Khakra or a left from Mary Aunty's kitchen or its just near Vijay Char rasti ni gola wala. (food OMG)

3. Emerging Geographies and Questions of Identity- Yes the city is growing, beyond the ring roads and more beyond. Many are migrating here. The trappings of an urban lifestyle have alsoi arrived.

4. Gender stories- we didn't know the first women's school was started in Ahmedbad. Also we have now interviewed one of the first women pilots, who happens to be a very popular architect as well.

5. Communities - Not the age-old caste or religion based communities, but the neo-urban communities. each claim some of the city for themselves.


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