A walk through
To further your experience of exploring Kalyan-Thane, this book has been envisioned as a narrative guide or a ‘hand book’ of essential information that you should know.
The book primarily is a guide book for the tourists, to enjoy the cultural legacy of the cities of Thane and Kalyan. It is based on the primary heritage listing done by Mumbai Metropolitan Region Heritage Conservation Society.
The book is divided into two parts and Kalyan chronologically arises first followed by the section on Thane. These two sections for each of the cities are further divided into trails. While writing on architectural legacy of the cities, their location is prima facie given priority than the historical chronology and the architectural evolution of the form.
It is impossible for any author to bring in the local history with all the cultural aspects of these two cities in one book. Thus this book need not be treated as a local history book, though various aspects of local culture have been touched upon by the authors
About the Patron/collaborator:
The Mumbai Metropolitan Region - Heritage Conservation Society (MMR-HCS) is a society established by Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA). The objectives of this Society are: Promoting preservation, conservation, protection, development and improvement of natural, built and related cultural heritage within the MMR.